Italian Vincenzo Montella

| February 23, 2021

Just need to proceed with the signing of the contract with the Italian team. It is a winning project, like me, I’m an ambitious coach. It thus puts an end to the saga, after confirming his departure from the subsidiary of Barcelona. The Spanish coach Luis Enrique Martinez, who has coached Barcelona B, in the […]

Middle Channels

| October 27, 2020

Spain wove his football with tranquility with the baton of Illarramendi in the Middle, of Isco and channels aid in the creation, and sobo the ball, he sought the bands, but just found holes in the rear of Georgia. Seamless, Georgians endured the thrust of the champion of Europe and almost did not give signs […]

Spanish Republicans

| September 15, 2020

Secundino Serrano historian sheds light in his new book on the situation of the more than 100 Spaniards who went through the Soviet gulag. With the book give culminated his trilogy about the anonymous Republicans who fought against totalitarianism: against Franco, Hitler and Stalin. The survival of the Spaniards in the gulag labor camps forced […]

Tommy Lee Jones

| February 7, 2014

He is someone with a single mind, with philosophical ideas that build your subconscious and which require great energy. He is a person that burns intensely on the inside, and the physical transformation helped me find the answers you were looking for on the character, said Fox, noting that he gave with the key shortly […]

Turkish Kenan Sofuoglu

| January 25, 2013

R.D. Julian Simon, operated yesterday, is the latest victim of the daredevil pilotage. Such actions have been usual in circuits. Why are sanctions not exemplary if it comes to the health of a pilot? Julian Simon was operated on Monday in Madrid of multiple fracture in the tibia and the fibula of his right leg […]

Slightly Exceeded

| January 19, 2013

The first day of the Germany GP free practice has revealed that Fernando Alonso’s Ferrari is at an optimum time. Webber was the fastest of the day (1: 31. 711). So is the world of Formula 1: ratings Circuit of Germany. The first day of the Germany GP free practice has revealed that Fernando Alonso’s […]