Turkish Kenan Sofuoglu

| January 25, 2013

R.D. Julian Simon, operated yesterday, is the latest victim of the daredevil pilotage. Such actions have been usual in circuits. Why are sanctions not exemplary if it comes to the health of a pilot? Julian Simon was operated on Monday in Madrid of multiple fracture in the tibia and the fibula of his right leg […]

Slightly Exceeded

| January 19, 2013

The first day of the Germany GP free practice has revealed that Fernando Alonso’s Ferrari is at an optimum time. Webber was the fastest of the day (1: 31. 711). So is the world of Formula 1: ratings Circuit of Germany. The first day of the Germany GP free practice has revealed that Fernando Alonso’s […]

Interviews With Children About Money

| January 1, 2013

Interviews with children about money today, the topic of money and well-being, worries many, if not everyone. Question of having money – it's a primary, primary, basic condition of quality of life. Any sphere of life health, life and leisure education, hobbies, work, etc., requires financial resources. For example, there is free medical care, but […]