State University

| January 14, 2021

When you have decided that your child has a place to live and what to eat should move to the next point: Who is responsible for the lives and health of your child, in other words, who would you replace on period of change. Vozhatsky composition. It is necessary to know where the camp administration […]

Evening Tea Party

| October 9, 2020

That such is life. I would like to change a lot in it, but it is not always possible. A pity. It is a pity that all this way. That's the story. Now is annoying rain all day. And yesterday was almost a downpour, but with thunderstorms and a terrible thunder. And on tomorrow weatherman […]


| May 20, 2016

Great mood – is to ensure success in every way. In a situation where we personally feel that the reality is beautiful, we all will work out, without exception, efficient, and professional activities, and education. In separately this is specific to children. In a situation when a young child is boring, he does not see […]

Interviews With Children About Money

| January 1, 2013

Interviews with children about money today, the topic of money and well-being, worries many, if not everyone. Question of having money – it's a primary, primary, basic condition of quality of life. Any sphere of life health, life and leisure education, hobbies, work, etc., requires financial resources. For example, there is free medical care, but […]