Tips Top

| July 31, 2015

Sit on the edge of the bench. Straighten your torso, straighten his chest and shoulders, gather in the stomach. Slightly rotten in the lumbar spine, lumbar muscle strain and fix this posture until the end of the set. Take a deep breath and hold your breath. Squeeze your biceps and bending your elbows, lift the […]

Independent Communities

| July 10, 2015

And on the other, to maintain and to consolidate the introduced technical improvements in previous calls, in particular the different modalities from justification and the use of the technologies of the information and the communication in the presentation of the request and the notification of the diverse acts and proceedings of the procedure. Also the […]

Always Work

| July 9, 2015

If there are hardly broken with your ex- ones, surely you will be undergoing painful and confused emotions have that you in an insecurity state. If to conquer a person it is a difficult feat, to reconquer it is it still more, since you must fight by restablecerte physical, touchingly and mentally, and in addition […]

Marc Staal Best Defenseman

| July 7, 2015

Maybe he's not a magician in attack, Brian Leach, but the game in the game of his skill in defending helped to win and defend the gates of Henrik Lundqvist. Despite the fact that Staal is one of the most stable players, he has not received the recognition of their achievements on the part of […]