10 Reasons To Create A Website

| July 28, 2013

It seems obvious that any self-respecting company should be represented on the Internet. But when we ask customers why they need the site, the answers are very different. For some, the site – proof of the solidity of the company for someone how to raise sales, for someone a way to communicate … consolidated his […]

Don Gonzalo

| July 23, 2013

Pity. And I say that for me, I would be remiss, but by the panorama of contradictions and contrasts that offers perhaps more chaotic half century history of Spain. In it, incidentally, occupies a very important place Don Miguel. It is that Spaniards are chaotic by nature took part Torrente. And not to mention the […]

Edgar Allan Poe

| July 16, 2013

The black cat Edgar Allan Poe this tale tells the story of an event without saying as call characters; narrated that a character has a passion for animals, and its latest acquisition after marriage has been a cat. One day came drunk grabbed the cat and as he didn’t like the way of looking at […]


| July 9, 2013

Nor in all the hospitals have this segment and, therefore, they are few the children who usufruct of this benefit. On the other hand, one of the purposes of the hospital classroom, according to Esteves (2008, P. 5), is ‘ ‘ to promote one better quality of life for the children hospitalizadas’ ‘ , therefore […]

Young Maidens

| July 8, 2013

If you closer to the romantic image of a fresh young maiden, then preference should be given a lush hair (as an example we can recall a young Mireille Mathieu). The use of strong fixing means for stacking will create, in contrast, cool, very graphically the image with a completely smooth hair. By the way, […]