Just Fitness

Posted By on December 8, 2013

In addition, for those moms who regularly engage in fitness clubs, less difficult and painful, and he derives process of a baby born. No miracle here. Just Fitness, helpful nutrition and swimming pool (fitness club at any level is able to provide this minimum set of services) is very positive effect on the state pregnant women and contribute to the accumulation hormone 'happiness' endorphin, which is an excellent painkiller. Of course, before you go in vending health club, you should consult your health care specialist. The same goes, incidentally, also applies to cases where you want to give the favorite child of a child's fitness. Experienced and competent staff will advise you the intensity of physical activity and point to possible difficulties with may face the expectant mother.

All necessary support to ensure that you and members of fitness clubs. They will develop an individual exercise program based on the name of your physical performance, and process pregnancies, will form the most optimal mode of eating, will always control the body's response to training in order to exclude the possibility of fatigue. With regards to the choice of institutions, as well as the most suitable time for study. Personally, we recommend that you attend the fitness clubs in Moscow with a swimming pool where you can not only work at the gym or aerobics, and swim in clean, warm some water, which effectively removes stress and strain. The safest time to load – this is the second trimester. You can go to a fitness club in the first or third trimester, but then you will need to be cautious, and before the start of the fitness club fail to consult with a specialist. Finally a few lines that do not recommended. Visiting the capital fitness clubs, the expectant mother should forget about the strong stretching and sudden movements. In yoga, you be contraindicated postures in which the feet must be above the head. Being in the pool, do not advise to avoid sharp bends back and discard the front crawl style. And of course, in the exercise should not be deep squats, swings and jumps, so for the time you have to forget about the squash, horseback riding, rollerblading, volleyball and ice skating.

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