The Attention

Posted By on July 14, 2020

When the individuals think that they are running the risk to suffer a negative evaluation on the part from third, they dirigem its attention for itself immediately proper. It is an auto-focada and detailed attention, what it makes with that its anxiety increases when perceiving the symptoms that finish for more still confusing its performance. Therefore, instead of exactly directing the attention for the signals emitted for the other person, the social fbico dirige its attention for itself, evaluating its proper performance and sensations of negative form and assuming that this information is accurately what to another person is perceiving (RANG, 2001). Here, Cedar expresses very clear opinions on the subject. For example, the fbico feels its trembling voice to speech in public and finds that all are perceiving this, when in the truth the people nor is noticing. At this moment of the perception of its symptom, it makes the reasseguramento of some form and foca all the attention for proper itself, what it generates anxiety still more. This mechanism is called autoprocessamento.

To this respect It creaks (2001) explains: ' ' this concern with the monitorao of the proper anxiety and the performance, allied to the security behaviors (reasseguramento), can give to a little friendly impression or calorosa' ' (P. 190). In such a way, the proper interlocutor tends if to distanciar of the social fbico, contributing one more time for the maintenance of the phobia. Amongst all these confusions of feelings, auto-focada attention, extreme anxiety, are the automatic thoughts, intermediate beliefs and projects of the person who is suffering. Therefore, some thoughts are ' ' all are hating mine apresentao' ' , ' ' it is thinking that I am one idiota' ' , ' ' I do not obtain to take iniciativa' ' , ' ' I have fear to find me burro' ' , ' ' the people go to perceive that I am tremendo' ' , amongst others.

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