Second Life

| August 18, 2020

An experience with the medias that valley to detach here, was acquired in recent lesson in the virtual environment Second Life (6 SL) , poisatravs of this experinciapercebemos the great potential for creation of virtual libraries and schools there, for accomplishment of lectures, research, courses, etc. If the current generation of pupils which we coexist […]

Another Look

| November 24, 2019

In this context the professor must make partnership with its pupils and thus to construct total new relations where educating and educator apprenticees become. One gives credit that the difficulties that the readers/cibernautas find in the reading supported for virtual supports are the excess of information and available resources in the world-wide net of computers […]


| May 30, 2016

Renovation. If your house is made of the present high-quality repairs, while living in it becomes more joyful and intense. Because only in such circumstances a person can feel comfortable, because the home you want relax and enjoy a rest from all the surrounding noise. Working on the same spot, on the contrary it should […]

Speed Wireless

| February 10, 2015

'After a while, portable digital devices will accompany us everywhere, giving us constant contact with other digital devices and with other people. Electricity meters and water flow system alarms, cars and other material objects of our everyday life will be ready at any moment to report on his condition via the Internet. " Bill Gates […]

Video Systems

| September 16, 2014

Do you have problems with your Samsung team? If your cell phone is damaged. If the LCD is no longer the same as before. If you have difficulty to turn on your Blu Ray. If your digital camera screen is broken. Do not worry. There is a Samsung service in Mendoza and is called Video […]

Job Sculpting

| June 5, 2014

They take for granted, a bright person in their work must be necessarily pleased with what makes. However, the training is not always synonymous with satisfaction, nor has cause it why. Many professionals, especially the younger generations with a master’s degree in administration, are also prepared and are ambitious that they could succeed almost in […]

Marco Antonio Zanini

| May 13, 2013

Electronic the fiscal document use is a way without voltano which the company needs to adjust itself with the intentions of modernization, rapidity of information, conformity with the rules of the government and easiness deregulamentao for competitiveness between the organizations. Osbenefcios of electronic the forma bill of sale emission, for example, incluemtransparncia in the commercial […]