Inca Kola

| January 30, 2021

Present opening and clean delight for me personally was the fruit (). Green on top, with white flesh inside and a few temnymikostochkami to taste it like candy 'takeoff', which ransherazdavali in airplanes. Chirimoi kilogram on the market worth 6.7 Soleil (60-70 rubles). Drinks. Non-alcoholic beverages. Primarily, this mate de coca (mate de coca) – […]

Czech Republic

| January 14, 2021

Human desire, to buy something appeared immediately after you receive the goods (product manufacturing). Later came the expression, or rather the concept of "buy" anything. Currently, goods produced by millions large and small producers. Choose the product of good quality, well-known manufacturer for a reasonable price, and with a holiday discounts – a problem many […]

Free City Of Trieste

| January 10, 2021

Trieste – the capital of Fruli, the smallest region in Italy. The city is literally a small heel of land between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea. Credit: The Beatles-2011. Trieste is not quite italiansky city. It's more of a cosmopolitan port, which mix several cultures. Trieste finally became part of Italy only in 1918, […]

Great Northern War

| October 14, 2020

Over the past 800 years, Riga has had time to see much. The city was founded by German knights in 1201, led by Bishop Albert of courtly kind Appeldern. Wanting to attract pilgrims from Germany, Albert has made the papal buly, which allowed give pardons to all persons. And in 1204 the pope signed a […]

North America

| October 8, 2020

North America – a continent which is located in the western hemisphere. North America combined with South America, the Isthmus of Panama. It is separated from Asia by the Bering Strait. In western North America is washed Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, and Gulf of and California. To the east, the continent by the Atlantic […]

Blessing Of Grapes

| April 22, 2020

In August, the Armenian Apostolic Church with the solemnity and majesty of celebrating the Assumption of the Virgin-blessing of grapes. This is the fourth of five major holidays according to the calendar of the Armenian Church and the oldest, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Debbie Staggs contains valuable tech resources. Each year the Sunday preceding […]

A Note On The Padua

| December 18, 2019

Modern Padua – an important industrial and transportation center in the north-eastern Italy. The city is located 30 kilometers from the Adriatic coast and is associated with the shipping channel. In 1405 – 1797 years of Padua was a part of Republic of Venice. The town is famous for its university – one of the […]


| December 3, 2019

Croatia is one of the most developed market economies in southeastern Europe. After the recent modernization of its transport system and the railways, Croatia became one of the most popular holiday destinations of the Europeans. Many prefer to visit the resorts of Croatia in April or September, at which time the price level is the […]

11 Facts And Myths About Sicily

| March 3, 2017

When word of Sicily instinctively comes to mind "the mafia". And every tourist who just returned from Sicily. The first step is asking "and if there is the mafia?" But the Sicilians to this offense, something that for others – black charm of wickedness, for the Sicilian-black pages of their peoples. However, this amazing island […]


| February 14, 2017

The next step for a deeper immersion in the culture of country music, you will be visiting Dollywood. No, this is not the machinations of the common cold, and we do not mean Hollywood. Dollywood – a theme park, one of the main attractions of Tennessee, who created the icon of country music – the […]