Inca Kola

Posted By on January 30, 2021

Present opening and clean delight for me personally was the fruit (). Green on top, with white flesh inside and a few temnymikostochkami to taste it like candy 'takeoff', which ransherazdavali in airplanes. Chirimoi kilogram on the market worth 6.7 Soleil (60-70 rubles). Drinks. Non-alcoholic beverages. Primarily, this mate de coca (mate de coca) – tea from leaves koki.Universalny drink – drink it anytime and anywhere: in homes and hotels on the train to Machu Picchu, it is served to tourists on excursions, drink for easier acclimation, when no force and hochetsyaspat when the head aches, stomach, or anything else for profilaktikizabolevany and so on. – From the time of the Inca Peruvians believe that the leaves kokitvoryat miracles. In addition to tea bags, which are sold in vsehmagazinah, you can just buy 2-3 Sol (20-30 rubles) paketiklistev coca and chew them well, or brew with boiling water.

They say bodrit.Navernoe, so it is – for the time stay desyatkilitrov I drank this tea and still have long returned to Moscow, a small sleeping 5 hours:) A miracle is not otherwise! 🙂 Everywhere is sold funny drink called Inca Kola – a light yellow color, to taste like Pinocchio. Hot shokolad.V Peru grow cocoa beans, and tile 'chocolate – pure cocoa paste, you can buy anywhere. 200-gram tile market is worth 4 Sol (40rubley), it turns out 15-20 cups of hot chocolate. Gotovitsyashokolad very simple: you take a small piece of chocolate paste, zalitnebolshim of water, heat so that the cocoa dissolved, then add milk and sugar to taste.

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