
Posted By on December 19, 2013

Were ritually killed victims in a way that was intended to appease the gods; immolations that were initially practiced in bronze age Celtic religions and then the rituals related to the worship of the gods in Scandinavia. Rome also conducted human sacrifices up to 97 BC and for the inhabitants of ancient Carthage, the sacrifice of infants was a common way to appease their gods. Similarly, the early Hebrews also practiced human sacrifice, although the story of Abraham and his son Isaac suggests a definitive break with that practice, the oblations Jehovah continued among members of the House of Israel, but with animals, until a furious Jesus de Nazareth outlaw this rite, clean cuerazo expelling the merchants of pigeons and lambs Temple. Excavations at the Palace of Knossos, in the current Greece, they show that the early Greeks, birthplace of democracy and Western civilization, also sacrificed human beings and most recently in the history of mankind, anthropological research points out that various cultures of pre-Columbian America practiced a vexing habit in common: the sacrificial maidens to appease the wrath of the gods, or the reach of a fulminant triumph over their enemiesfold a barbaric mania that anthropologists believed buried in the deepest in the history of mankind, but as we shall see later, the practice continues to this day. The Olmecs sacrificed to the newborn lax or flabby, about the enormous carved stone located at the Altar of La Venta, massacre that plotted on Las Limas monument. The teotihuacans made sacrifices of maidens in honor of Tlatoc in the pyramid of the Sun and the Moon, but were the Toltecs who associated with the practice of human sacrifices to the veneration of Tezcatlipoca, a sacrifice that was the human resource to save the universe from destruction, ensuring the survival of the Sun, and thus life itself..

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