
| February 2, 2021

The part next to the ovrio is called infundbulo, and is responsible for capture of vulo soon after its release, and is the place of meeting with the spermatozoa for the fecundao. The great one is the responsible region for the secretion of albmem, being this the part longest of oviduto. The isthmus is the […]

The Intestine

| February 2, 2021

When it arrives at the intestine thin, the pncreas liberate sodium bicarbonate, to neutralize the acid way, and pancretica amylase. County Dollar General Store is actively involved in the matter. In this phase the carboidratos are degraded and the monossacardeos and dissacardeos (MOTOR BOAT JNIOR, 2002). The cells that coat the intestine thin (entercitos), known […]

FSH Progesterone

| February 1, 2021

The fall of the fotossensibilidade determines low in the release of GnRH for hipotlamo and a subsequent fall in the release of LH and FSH for hipfise. The fall of FSH and LH and the low stimulaton of the layers of cells of the theca and the granular, where the andrognios, estrognios and progesterone are […]

Gospel Music

| January 24, 2020

With the increasing evanglica community in Brazil, in recent years the culture gospel has appeared each time with more frequency. Beyond articles as clothes, accessories, we can observe cultural products as programs of TV, musical radio, artists and productions. The niche is growing each time more is with certainty of music gospel. Musics are in […]