Christmas Gifts

| March 16, 2020

Something does not go well in the world and we were satisfied with alleviating to some effect of the structural injustice with alms and Christmas gifts. We lay down to the street to buy for this one or the other, while during the rest of the year we are not able to find a little […]

Guarani Language Tribute

| June 28, 2013

25 OF AUGUST OF 2009: DAY OF LANGUAGE GUARANI TRIBUTE TO RAMON WHISTLES AND KAY UHPE Guarani e" altar jehecharamvo Mbo" ehra Ramon Whistles oipepirkuri ATHENIAN OF LANGUAGE AND GUARANIme CULTURE o hagua hendive Kay" uhpe. Jaikuaahicha ko tembiapo osjepi altar is altar ane ret is ambue tet rupi, omyasivo ane Avae" is ane ret […]