North Africa

| October 31, 2021

The reaction of numbness in frogs when they were coming, so for example, is a good defense mechanism, because the snake will not guess about the presence of frogs, while she will not make sharp movements. If this happens, visual reflexes allow the snake to quickly deal with it. Only tree snakes that wrap around […]


| January 4, 2021

What is a modern backpack? This well-designed rucksack, two Backpack straps. Forerunner of the modern backpack – backpack army VIII century. The backpack allows the holder to carry enough volume and large loads at a decent distance, leaving the hands free. Travel backpacks, in addition, equipped with special hard (semi-rigid) inserts on the level of […]

Prince Edward

| October 7, 2020

After all, even the mere contact with them energizes and power! By the way, if we're talking about Canadian totems, the "official animal" Canada for many years considered a beaver and pictures, toys, action figures with beavers, too, will be quite "Canadian" and very funny gift. In particular, he must like kids! Going over to […]