Course Technician

| October 26, 2021

Thus, as al Would make et (2005), to listen to the adults reading in high voice and to see to write them; to try to write (without necessarily copying a model); to try to read using given contextual, as well as recognizing similarities and differences in the series of letters; to play with the language […]

Geophysicist Methods

| January 1, 2021

Divulging the Geophysicist: methods and applications Romualdo S. Hiss Jnior Department of Physics, Federal University of Sergipe, 49100-00, Are Cristvo-IF/Brazil This work have as objective to divulge the geophysicist in a generalized manner, showing some of its main methods, and also some applications, thus providing bigger knowledge and agreement of the same one. A brief […]


| August 4, 2020

PROJECT OF IMPLANTATION OF AN ORGANIZATION CHART FOR SUPPLIMENT DEPARTMENT OF ONE MANUFACTURES. Organization chart of supplies and suppliments. Attributions of the areas Managing of Supplies and Suppliments? Ernandes Coast Dos Santos? Administration and Management of the organization of the supplies and suppliments. Suppliment elaborates plain of strategy pra manufactures of them. Its subordinate is […]

Ambient Education

| July 23, 2020

The lack of an adequate formation of the educator, in relation to the environment, makes it difficult the treatment of curricular contents under the ambient boarding, harming many times, the reflection and the actions of the pupils. Considering that the education, many times, is incapable to answer to all the different desires and necessities of […]

Belm Experiment

| May 6, 2020

The climatic conditions of the place of the experiment on average presented throughout the days of experiences a temperature of 25C, having as base this average of temperature, the conditions of watered and the quality of the grains, expected young, healthful and abundant plants. In accordance with the citation made for Grandson, (2003), the quality […]

Alternative Conceptions In Mechanics

| January 19, 2020

Alternative conceptions in mechanics Edivaldo de Menezes Firmino* alternative Conceptions in mechanics. One is about a reflection on the models that we use to explain the physical phenomena of the daily one. To decide and to explain such problems the author bases on some authors such as, Viennot, 1979; Solis Villa, 1984; Driver, 1986. Jack […]

Proximal Development

| November 9, 2019

Folclrico: The game as expression of the infantile culture through the diverse generations. The tricks that are offered the child must be in accordance with the development zone where it meets, in such a way, the importance of the professor can be perceived to know the theory of Vygotsky (apud Camargo, 2005). The Zone of […]

Objective Geral

| December 7, 2013

Sometimes just by exempting sale you donate not meet all this demand. You the monitor and review this backlog is necessary you establish the control system and production management which generates statistical information from day you day management of the company will be analysis and future outlook of the market. Sense In this it was […]