New Born Babies

Posted By on May 13, 2019

I do this small review for contarte the experience that I had with the method As To sleep You drink of author Claudia Cervantes, if your also you want to know as to sleep to this drinks Lee now. I am mother of a boy of 7 months and the first time that I knew that it was going to be mother was very exciting since small loading in my arms, taking care of it and to give him to eat towards feeling to me very happy and proud, queria to be the ideal mother my baby to sleep. I arrive the day of the childbirth and everything I march well, after 2 weeks to feel what was to be mother was very moved then never habia felt that beautiful feeling. But badly the problems began My drinks queria not to sleep, was very difficult to him to sleep by the nights. Everything tried to let that it slept awhile but everything was in vain, queria know as to sleep to it drinks because in the nights dormia nothing not to take care of son. They spent the days and everything seguia equal, my drinks durmia, raised express to wash to me the face to me, to cepillar my teeth and corria bed finally to sleep a little, but as soon as about 5 minutes later, it listened to his weeping: Those whines that me they habian returned crazy. If not aprendia as to sleep to he drinks, good wise person who the months that venian serian a hell for my. And he is that apparently my he drinks not comprendia who debia to sleep, was the 10 at night and my she drinks seguia wide-awake, passed the 11, the 12 and my son parecia not to want to sleep. I and my pair began to read all the books on as to sleep to drinks, we received many advice on the part of relatives and friendly, we requested aid to him to our doctor, but nothing worked to us.

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