Ballad Of The Bicycle Children

Posted By on January 4, 2014

Many years ago, when I was young, I left home one day with the intention of turning the world on bicycle. Iba lightweight luggage and full of joy. I wanted to know the reality that only knew by the books. On the third day, I was surprised at the outskirts of a big city night. It was a lonely and dismal place where train tracks formed a maze of roads.

There I met a child. He was ten years old and was called Angel, just like me. We sat on the ladders of an old abandoned train car and we started to talk. The boy told me her story: lived there. Completely alone.

My bike and I spent the night with that child, in an old abandoned wooden wagon. I had small hands and very large eyes, like all children, but at times I looked at the fueguito in silence. I then looked at him and thought what would be his. It was very clever, it was very good, very kid. At dawn I left and I continued my trip, but something had changed. Since that day I looked with attention to each child and started adding a number for each one that was lost on the way. One never knows very well why does things he feels within the heart. It only knows that you need them to. It makes them and nothing else. It is your destination. I was only able to do that. I saw an abandoned child and sat down to talk to him. It was a very long trip; I spoke with two hundred fifty million three hundred forty and three children. Very carefully I wrote in a notebook each of their names, the place where I I found, the color of his eyes, his way of laughing and crying, the color of his skin and all their dreams. I am now an old man and me taken by crazy, but I know that when I die, someone very powerful will finally find this notebook and will talk to you to the world of all those children. Angel steps original author and source of the article.

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