
Posted By on March 11, 2015

The individual gradually loses its normative reference marks, feels lost, can’t redo, direct their behavior to achieve its goals and objectives, while continuing to contribute added value to society. For Weber, in the words of Sennet, the workers lived under what he called the iron cage, a bureaucratic structure which rationalised the use of time of the worker to worker enjoyed until arrival job stability and safety of their retirement and after I enjoyed a State pension. Obviously, that figure has today disappeared, I aventuraria to say that entirely in private enterprise. Therefore, the flexible worker would not fit in his theory, wouldn’t know how to communicate, would not find validity to schemes which Weber presents. In society, in which we are immersed, in which there are no timetables, no continuity in employment security or even in the function within the same organization the individual feels lost, with a sentiment from unprotected and defenceless. The individual, Weber, basically rational with regard to their goals, adapts its purposes and values, by adjusting their behavior. People act with an orientation according to the traditions and social customs. Still, therefore, this behavior somehow predictable and regular.

Its social action occurs in specific frameworks, which can be seen a regularities in fact; Weber theory could not, therefore, attach to conduct of a flexible worker, who adapts to the needs of the market, in continuous demand for change, recycling, more and more training, total availability above your needs, the needs of his family, of his circle, of his person. Sociology, in my opinion, has a big job to do in the sense of trying to understand the present circumstances to become aware of the social and personal consequences that changes in the world of work will have on the future of the individual and in their interaction with other individuals, with the society. You should not focus on the analysis of a single level (macro to micro) or opting for a single theory, thus falling into reductionism, in our era does not work a dichotomous sociology or reductionist, but that different approaches must be able to give answers to the individual in modern society and the various nuances of the current human being.

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