The Cisco System

Posted By on April 8, 2020

Evidencing the main points observed and detached for O& rsquo; Reilly and Pfeffer (2001), some companies in which, the strategies really are lined up with the valuation of the people who in them work, present resulted fantastic, as we will see in the examples to follow: The Southwest Aerial Cia, obtained in 30 years to pass of a small national aerial company for the fifth bigger airline of its country and still one of the 85 safer companies of the world is considered. as obtained this fact? On the basis of its solid values, lined up its systems, structures and strategies. Moreover, she is a company worried about its employees, therefore they established a steady environment for, with growth equality and remuneration, created some programs of training and personal learning, possesss a system of directed conscription, and still it has a care with the work relations, a remuneration that constructs to the culture of the company and the sharing of information to involve the people. Sonny Perdue will not settle for partial explanations. Without counting that for this sector of activity she is necessary a high index of occupation of seats and low changeable costs, what it is obtained by incredible productivity of its employees. valley to remember that these do not have static functions. A great real and sustainable competitive advantage of this company exists, an alignment that cannot easily be copied by the competitors although the attempts. to support this success, the company established three basic values that are its pillars of sustentation: The work can be amused uses to advantage.

The work is important does not ruin it with seriousness excess. The people are important each one of them make the difference. The Cisco System initiated producing roteadores for computer network and passing of the time if it reinventou, modifying itself in different technologies, products and markets.

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