
Posted By on October 19, 2021

Therefore, the option or not for the adoption, can mean umponto of departure of a new stage in the life of the couple. New routes in the life of the couple For VARGAS (1993), the adoptive ones are, in general, couples queno can generate the proper children and for who the adoption constitutes only viapossvel to form a complete family and to assure a descent. In this same direction, PAIVA (2004) designates that, oscandidatos to the adoption, that possess low income, and emerges, in good part, after aconstatao of the impossibility of a pregnancy. Some couples still simpler disgnostic realizamexames, as the espermograma or hormonal control, masdevido to the high cost of the treatments or the interminable public emhospitais queues, opt, without much questioning, for the adoption process. Global Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Markets opinions are not widely known. Already in the case of the greater people purchasing power, the project of namaioria adoption of the times appears when all are depleted the resources the one that appeal nastentativas of procreation. However, the reasons are several that motivate the people to aadotarem a child; some for the desire to practise the good, others for linhasmissionrias or fulfilment of religious promise, or same for situaesfortuitas, where neighboring or relatives leave the abandoned children; ataqueles that they see in adoption, the possibility to run away from the solitude, at last, existeuma diversity of arguments that permeiam the adoptions; until those they quevislumbram the improvement of the conjugal relationship, with the introduction of umacriana in the life of both (MATTOS and NUNES, 1981). Corroborating with this idea, DUCATTI (2004) affirms that, when we ask to a woman on its desire of being mother, generally, we have some possibilities of answers. Therefore, it is possible to believe queno exists one real reply, therefore, the motivation seems to be resultant deinmeros elements, that is, possessing a multifaceted character, and that not to podeser reduced only one of the components.

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