Western Europe

Posted By on May 7, 2013

Tropez! The Tartars had chosen a beautiful place to create your tourism complex, but very clearly that were developing their resource to finance very limited and all coffee, etc, and there was a good number has been clearly posed the lowest possible cost. We’ve found one that seemed to be more or less finished and took aside the plastic sheet that was a ship that the door to enter. It felt like something out of the Arabian nights for me, very low tables and cushions on the floor. Our host was a very remarkable man, tall and very young and he speaks excellent English! In terms of its features that have told him that was Saudi, but not told me with pride, I’m from Ukraine. He said in a tone of apology that they had no electricity, what choice would be limited. I pointed out to a group not very distant of looking scattered on a hill very new wind turbines.

The electricity goes elsewhere, us said. He was clearly excited to have a visit to Western Europe and very close. This is said with pride to us is only our second year as a vacation spot (which was last year asked myself), and we do it better each year. He was no doubt very positive and a very lovely girl. I told him that he had chosen a very beautiful place and wished him the best.

What I can do and I hope that they can work for them. From small acorns grow big oak trees. Us away to select a bit of beach during the day. We opted for what seemed to be more organized and more enjoyable, place a small closed Bay and down some steps with new clarity to the beach. There were sunbeds in row, bright white and like St. Tropez! Olga saw a couple of outcrops of rock, each with its own House of bamboo type Sun and very private, it seemed attractive, so I asked her the price.

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